
Environment Variables

Streav Management

HttpsExternalPort5001Public port on which Streav Management operates for HTTPS.
HttpsOnlyfalseEnforces all connections to use secure HTTPS protocol.
Postgres-PostgreSQL connection string. required
RabbitMq__Host-Hostname of RabbitMQ. required
RabbitMq__Username-Username for RabbitMQ authentication.
RabbitMq__Password-Password for RabbitMQ authentication.
Redis__Hosts__0__Host-Hostname of the primary Redis server. required array
Redis__Database0Database index used by Redis.
Redis__Password-Password for Redis authentication.
TMDbApiKey-API key for The Movie Database (TMDb).
OMDbApiKey-API key for Open Movie Database (OMDb).
LicenseKey-License key. required

Streav Streaming

NodeId-Unique uuid identifier for the Streav Streaming Node. required
NodeNameNode 123Name of the Streaming Node. Initial value; can be changed later from the dashboard.
Hostname-Hostname of the Streaming Node. Initial value; can be changed later from the dashboard.
HttpExternalPort5000Public port on which the Streaming Node operates for HTTP.
HttpsExternalPort5001Public port on which the Streaming Node operates for HTTPS.
HttpsOnlyfalseEnforces all connections to use secure HTTPS protocol.
RabbitMq__Host-Hostname of RabbitMQ. required
RabbitMq__Username-Username for RabbitMQ authentication.
RabbitMq__Password-Password for RabbitMQ authentication.
Postgres-Connection string for the PostgreSQL database. required
Redis__Hosts__0__Host-Redis hosts. required array
Redis__Database0Database index used by Redis.
Redis__Password-Password for Redis authentication.
TrustedIpAddresses__0-Trusted IPv6 and IPv4 addresses used during nodes exchange. array
TrustedNetworks__0-Trusted network ranges in CIDR notation used during nodes exchange. array
LicenseKey-License key. required

Streav API

HttpsExternalPort5001Public port on which Streav API operates for HTTPS.
HttpsOnlyfalseEnforces all connections to use secure HTTPS protocol.
Postgres-PostgreSQL connection string. required
RabbitMq__Host-Hostname of RabbitMQ. required
RabbitMq__Username-Username for RabbitMQ authentication.
RabbitMq__Password-Password for RabbitMQ authentication.
Redis__Hosts__0__Host-Hostname of the primary Redis server. required array
Redis__Database0Database index used by Redis.
Redis__Password-Password for Redis authentication.
ApiExplorertrueDisplays the API explorer on /swagger.
Certificates__Signing__Path-Path to the signing certificate.
Certificates__Signing__Password-Password for the signing certificate.
Certificates__Encryption__Path-Path to the encryption certificate.
Certificates__Encryption__Password-Password for the encryption certificate.
LicenseKey-License key. required

Streav CLI

Postgres-PostgreSQL connection string. required


These environment variables allow the configuration of HTTPS for Streav Management, Streaming, and API using different methods.

Using .pfx Files

HttpsInlineCertFile__PathFile path to the certificate file. required
HttpsInlineCertFile__PasswordPassword for the certificate file. required

Using .pem, .crt, and .key Files

HttpsInlineCertAndKeyFile__PathFile path to the certificate file. required
HttpsInlineCertAndKeyFile__KeyPathFile path to the private key file. required
HttpsInlineCertAndKeyFile__PasswordPassword for the certificate file.

Forwarded Headers

These environment variables enable the configuration of Forwarded Headers for both Streav Management, Streaming, and API.

ForwardedHeaders__EnabledfalseEnables processing of forwarded headers.
ForwardedHeaders__CloudflarefalseTrusts Cloudflare IP ranges to accept forwarded headers from.
ForwardedHeaders__TrustedIpAddresses__0localhostTrusted IP addresses to accept forwarded headers from. array
ForwardedHeaders__TrustedNetworks__0localhostTrusted network ranges in CIDR notation to accept forwarded headers from. array
ForwardedHeaders__ForwardLimit1Limits the number of entries in the processed headers.